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About Us

Burmese Community of North America  

BCNA's objective is to expand Burmese American businesses and promote the highest business standards.

BCNA is a registered Section 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization.


Code of Business Conduct

BCNA is a non-partisan, non-profit business organization. We advocate the principles of free trade, open markets, private enterprise, the unrestricted flow of information, and ethical business practices. 


It is fundamental to our philosophy that good ethics and good business are synonymous. We believe that Burmese American business plays an important role as a catalyst for positive social change by promoting human welfare and the principles of free enterprise. BCNA recognizes that American companies already set the highest standards for ethical business practices.

We encourage members to communicate information about their existing programs and practices relative to good corporate citizenship in the markets in which they operate.  

BCNA endorses the following values:

  • Compliance with all applicable laws

  • Good corporate citizenship

  • Respect for the individual and dignity of the worker

  • Training and education for our employees

  • Environmentally responsible business practices

  • Improved market access and promotion of intellectual property rights

  • High standards of professional and business ethics

  • Equality between all members without any gender, religious, or political discrimination

  • Refrain from using the BCNA platform to promote any partisan political agenda

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